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Handbook Essentials


Everyday Matters!

You can check your student's attendance record in  ParentVUE . If you see an absence that shouldn't be there or receive an automated attendance call when you think your student was at school, please call our attendance line or email us to let us know, and we'll get it fixed!

You may still receive an automated call even if you've left a message at the school to excuse your child's absence. If you've left a message or emailed us, the absence will be excused in the system.

The staff and administration believe that attendance is a cooperative effort between the parent and the school.

Parents, please call (505) 299-7377 or email Crystal Garcia, EACH DAY your child is absent or tardy.For your convenience, we do have an answering machine that allows you to leave a message before normal office hours or if the office phone is busy. Please speak slowly and clearly and leave your student's first and last name and grade level. 

Remember that if students are late or leaving during the day for any reason, parents must check their students in or out in the main office.You may send your student in with a signed note, but we will need to check the ID of an adult who is listed as an emergency contact on the child's record in order to allow a student to leave campus. 

Students who are absent, have the responsibility to make up all the work missed. Students need to make arrangements  with teachers when they return to school.

Students who are absent for three (3) or more days should ask a parent to call (505) 299-7377 or email the attendance secretary Crystal Garcia,, for their assignments. 24 hours notice is needed before homework assignments can be picked up in the main office during school business hours.  You may also check teachers' web pages/Google Classrooms for assignments and information. For every day a student is absent, one day will be allowed to make up work (or as deemed reasonable by the teacher, parent, and/or administration).

If a student arrives late to school any day, he/she must report to the main office when he/she arrives on campus and sign in. When a student is late Parent/Guardian must: 

  • sign the student in at the office,
  • if applicable supply a note excusing the tardiness

Cell Phone/Air Pod/Head Phone Policy

At Jackson Cell Phones/Air Pods/Head Phones  MUST BE TURNED OFF AND PUT AWAY FROM THE FIRST BELL at 8:00AM UNTIL THE LAST BELL 2:50PM . We understand for safety reasons that your student may need to bring a cell phone to/from school, however, we ask your support in helping us reiterate this policy to ensure that while students are in classes and at school we can focus on instruction. 

If you feel your student(s) needs to carry a cell phone to/from school, the cell phone policy is as follows:

  • Student cell phone use will be allowed only before and after the regular school hours. (8:00 a.m.– 2:50 p.m.)
  • Phones  should not be visible  (for instance, in their hands, in back pockets, out on desk).
  • Phones must be turned off during school hours .
  • Text messaging, social media use, google chat, listening to music, and/ or game usage are prohibited.

Please do not text/contact your student during school hours. If you need to reach your child, please call the main office at 299-7377. We will get them the message.

Inappropriate cell phone use will result in the following consequences:

  • First Offense- Phone/Air Pods/Head Phones taken to Office, logged in, student may pick-up at end of the day
  • Second Offense - Phone /Air Pods/Head Phones taken to Office, logged in, held, until parent can it pick-up
  • Third Offense +- Phone /Air Pods/Head Phones taken to Office, logged in BEFORE the FIRST BELL at 8:00AM and held until after the final bell at 2:50PM DAILY.

Jackson Dress Code, 2024-2025

Jackson expects student dress and grooming to reflect high standards of personal conduct so that each student’s attire promotes a positive, safe, and healthy atmosphere within the school. Student dress may not present a potential disruption to the educational process. We reserve the right to ask the student to change clothing to adhere to dress code policy if administration feels the student’s appearance is too distracting.

Unacceptable Attire

  1. Attire or accessories that display or promote:
    • Drugs, alcohol or tobacco, sexual activity, violence, disrespect and/or prejudice towards any groups are not acceptable. Wristbands must not have inappropriate images or messages. Remove when requested.
  2. Unacceptable clothing and accessories also include but are not limited to:

The administration has the right to update or change the behavior or dress code policy at any time during the school year as necessary.

  • Promotion of gangs, weapons, drugs, profanity or derogatory content and/or pornography are prohibited.
  • Shorts/skirts/dress length: We encourage students to wear a length mid-thigh (hip to knee) or longer.  Additionally, we encourage tights/leggings can be worn under shorter attire.
  • Tops must have a strap of two inches or three fingers width and must cover the midriff. No strapless tops please.
  •  No blankets, pajama pants, robes, or slippers please!
  • Students must be in dress code under jackets, hoodies, or sweaters that can be unzipped or removed.
  • clothing must be worn so that no undergarment (underwear, shorts, athletic shorts, etc.) Can be seen while standing, sitting or bending.  
  • Clothing with marijuana dispensary logos.


  • Student & Visitor Identification cards must be visible at all times.

  • ‘Sagging’ or the wearing of pants below the waist and/or in a manner that allows shorts, underwear, or bare skin to show is prohibited.  

Hats: baseball caps, cowboy hats, beanies are not allowed.  The hoods of hoodies are to be off indoors (hallways, office, classrooms, cafeteria, restrooms etc.).

Dress Code Violations

Students will be allowed to call home to get a change of clothes or will be given an item from the Jackson clothes cabinet for the day.