Student Illness Procedures
Students who are ill should remain at home. If a student becomes ill or is injured in a minor way at school, he/she may get a pass from the teacher whose class will be missed to report to the health room in the main office. If the health aide or nurse determines that the student needs further treatment or should be sent home, she will contact the parents. Students are never excused to go home unless a parent or guardian is contacted by the school and the student is picked up and signed out by a parent or guardian. In case of serious illness or injury and when the school is unable to reach a parent or guardian, 911 will be called.
Prescription Medication at School
If prescription medication must be taken at school, a medication form must be completed by the doctor. Medication that must be taken during the school day must be left with the nurse or health assistant in its original container, and administered in the health room. Non-prescription medications, such as aspirin or cold tablets, may not be administered without prior written consent of the parent.
It must be emphasized that any medication, prescribed or not must be checked in with the nurse or health assistant before being taken. If parents have any questions regarding this information, please call the health room. Students are not to carry any type of medication, prescription or non, on their person or store it in their backpacks or lockers.
Students with special medical conditions should have information concerning the condition on file in the health room. Be sure that all information on the health emergency card is accurate and current.
Health Office Site Safety Links
- When is sick too sick for school? (YouTube)
- ¿Cuándo Está Enfermo Demasiado Enfermo Para La Escuela? (YouTube)
- APS Families Connected (Facebook)
- APS School Based Health Centers
Centers for Disease Control
- Cover your cough (poster) (PDF)
- Flu-Talking to children about flu (PDF)
- Handwashing Poster (PDF)
- Cough Etiquette
- Immunization Schedules
- Norovirus
- Viruses or Bacteria chart (PDF)
National Assn. of School Nurses Videos
Contact the Nurse
School Nurse
ex: 23528